Resources for Working with Older Youth in Foster Care

Thanks to organizations throughout Nebraska, there are unique resources for children aging out of foster care or those in the 14 to 26-year-old range.

The below programs for older foster care youth are available throughout the state, which are helpful for CASA volunteers and anyone working with older youth to know about to help engage the young people we serve.

Together, we can make this information accessible and easily understood so that this sector of foster children and young adults can take advantage of those opportunities to build a bright and prosperous future.

  • A lifebook brings together a child’s past, present, and future. It is a book to document a child’s history, celebrate accomplishments, and allow his or her talents to shine. It is a record of a child’s life in his or her own words using photos, artwork, and things picked up along the way. It allows a child to honor life, one day and one event at a time.

  • Bridge to Independence provides support for young people as they cross from foster care to adulthood. Young adults who join the program will have access to a dedicated Independence Coordinator who will provide advice, help access resources, and help identify the next steps to meeting the young adult's life goals; health care coverage if eligible for Medicaid or Affordable Care Act; and a monthly maintenance payment.

  • These are the core ways that young people who have experienced foster care can feel empowered and engage.

  • Connected Youth Initiative exists to support transition-aged youth and young adults, ages 14 to 26, in Nebraska, who are living without the support of family and have life experiences that can make transitioning to adulthood feel overwhelming.

  • Connecting the voices of young people with foster care experience. The Project Everlast Councils create opportunities for youth in care and alumni to connect with each other and have fun together while providing input on program and policy issues. On the web-site connect with councils in Grand Island, Lincoln, Omaha, Norfolk, Fremont, Geneva, Kearney, Scottsbluff and North Platte. Get involved! Just send in a completed sign-up sheet and start receiving the latest Project Everlast Council information and meeting notifications.

  • The National Youth In Transition Database tracks the services provided to youth when they are transitioning from foster care to adulthood through a short survey. Former wards that complete the survey will receive a gift card!

  • Central Plains Center for Services offers opportunities for positive change to individuals, families and communities across the state of Nebraska through Educational Programs, Transitional Living Services, Early Childhood Education, and After School/Summer Programs.

  • EducationQuest Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a mission to improve access to higher education in Nebraska. This includes free college planning services, outreach services, need-based scholarship programs, and college access grants. EducationQuest has locations in Lincoln, Kearney, and Omaha, Nebraska.

  • Young people who are aging out of foster care have the burden of finding the separate services they need and knitting them together into something that can support their immediate needs and help them work toward future successes. That’s where The HUB’s Central Access Navigator comes in. In partnership with Project Everlast, The HUB provides a Central Access Navigator to help young people determine what services they need, access those services, and ensure that they’re working together to provide a customized system of support.

  • This site is a partnership with Nebraska Department of Labor, Education and Economic Development. It provides modules and information about being ready for a career after high school graduation.

  • The Nebraska Standards for Career Ready Practice can be found on this page. It is a good checklist to use when preparing young adults for their future careers.

  • Branching Out Independent Living Program assists youth aged 14 to 24 in making the transition from dependence towards living responsible lives. Jacob's Place Transitional Living Program is designed to assist young adults in making the transition from dependence to independence.

  • How to Support College Students Who Experienced Foster Care During School Breaks

  • This online course is intended to help parents and caregivers of youth ages 10 and older feel more comfortable talking with youth about healthy relationships and sexuality.

  • The Maryland Living Center in Hastings is a transitional living facility for homeless youth, 16 – 21 years old, that aims to successfully transition youth into independent living within 12 -18 months. MLC works to help each individual fulfill their highest potential.

  • From supportive to permanent housing, to youth shelter, group home, teen outreach, and other services are all available from the Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska. Service area includes Scotts Bluff, Banner, Morrill, Garden, Kimball, Cheyenne, Deuel, Sioux, Dawes, Sheridan, and Box Butte counties.

  • Job skills training and readiness program including on-line training are available. Utilize the Goodwill site or find your local Goodwill to contact for Adult Career, Project Employment Employability and Life Skills and other programs.

  • Download this guide to learn about federal laws that govern youth in foster care.

  • Family First Purpose
    1. Enables states to develop a Prevention Services and Program Plan to help keep children safely in their homes to prevent entry into foster care.
    2. Allows federal funding to cover services and program costs up to 12 months for: Mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment services and in-home parent skill building programs.
    3. Modifies various requirements for Title IV-E and Title IV-B programs.

  • This is a comprehensive guide for kids that find themselves in the Nebraska Child Welfare System. It provides information on what to expect in court and who you can turn to for help.

  • The pages in the downloadable file may be printed to use with foster youth and children. They are like a scrapbook providing different options for someone in foster care to document and retain memories.

  • Nebraska Supreme Court

  • Permanency pact, meet up and peer up PLUS national advocacy opportunities

  • Central Plains Center for Services offers opportunities for positive change to individuals, families and communities across the state of Nebraska through Educational Programs, Transitional Living Services, Early Childhood Education, and After School/Summer Programs.
    Read More

  • Community youth connection opportunities AND statewide connection and advocacy opportunity

  • This is a comprehensive guide for kids that find themselves in the Nebraska Child Welfare System. It provides information on what to expect in court and who you can turn to for help.

  • Resources listed on the State of Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Site.

  • NICWC offers customized trainings and presentations and provides cultural consultation. They are experts at trauma-informed, culturally integrated approaches.
    Kitty Washburn develops supports and access to services for tribal youth who are aging out of the child welfare system. Contact her at

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